Part 8: Improving Heart Health Movement (detailed description)

Wah Tor Chi Kung

Part 8 Improving Heart Health Movement



    Possible health benefits: high blood pressure, heart disease, gastrointestinal system

    (digestive issues) and other chronic illnesses


    Possible causes of illness: This movement involves rising up and down, opening and closing, and blood circulation will follow the chi flow, therefore it will enhance the internal chi to flow upward, downward, internal, external and everywhere. It will then break through any barriers and let chi flow smoothly. Given the movement brings our chi flow to four directions to enhance the circulatory system, and in addition given we are practicing with a quiet and relaxed state of mind in fostering internal chi. As a result, it helps with supporting heart health, cultivating a gentle temperament and increasing blood flow, prevention of illness.



a. Step left foot forward, breathe in while swinging both arms forward and upwards over head in a circular motion,


b. Breathe out while swinging arms outwards and downwards and bring both upward facing palms in front of the Dantien, fingers pointing tip to tip (it feels like we are grounded through a deep rooted old tree with deep foundation and looking far)

c. Continue to move both palms up until level with the chest.


d. Glide both hands past the ears and head without touching then bring both arms outstretched over the left foot which should now be bent forward at the knee to form a forward “horse stance”. The outstretched arms cross each other at the palms, left palm on top if left leg is forward and vice versa, hands not touching about an inch apart. Right leg is straight.


e. Rotate wrists until palms up, draw elbows back while pulling body back until left leg is straight (toes pointing up) and right leg is bent at the knee to support the body. At the end of the pull-back, the upturned palms are at the sides of the waist.


f.  Gently rock forward while moving palms out and up in an arc until a bit higher than your head. Look at the palms as though they are mirrors. In this position, your weight is on the left front leg and the right leg is straight with toes pointing up and heel up.


g. Spread both hands outwards until both arms are straight and horizontal like a cross position (pretty solid and reliable); palms facing down. Simultaneously shift your back foot backward a bit (to gain a wider and more stable stance) and arch your body backward until you look up to the sky.


h. Bring both arms up while straightening up your body, shifting back foot up a bit while shifting weight to front leg. When the fingers touch at the apex, slowly lower body and hands downwards until knees fully bent and fingertips fully lowered. Exhaust all your air while breathing out.


i.  While down, spread both arms sideways, palms up.( the rising up and down movement is acting swiftly like eagle flying high and goose flying down)


j.  Bring both arms in and rejoin fingertips, palms down. Push hands upwards while rising up until both hands fully extend upwards, apex pointing up.


k. Move palms down to chest level, fingers tip to tip.


l.  Lower hands downwards, pausing momentarily at the Dantien before dropping hands to the sides. (everything will be centred and you will be stepping into the door of success with regular and continuous practice, chi flow goes into Dantien and it will be strengthened)



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