Part 9: Strength Building of Limbs (Flying and Kicking detailed description)

Part 9: Strength Building of Limbs (Flying and Kicking)

NB Breathing method in this movement is different from the other parts.

Marching (warm up for leg kicking)

1. To start, put feet wide apart to shoulder width.

2. March along a circle in clockwise direction with a straighten back and slightly closed up chest and breathe as follows:

3. Note all breathing is through the nose. Breathe in while walking with left (straight) leg kicking out to about 30-40 degrees from vertical while taking in two “sniffs” through the nose. Simultaneously swing the right hand to the dantien position and the left hand to the back similar to Part 7.

4. Move forward, kicking the right foot forward while breathing out once deeply. While raising the right leg, simultaneously swing the left hand to the dantien and the right hand to the back.

5. Move forward, left foot out, normal breathing in once. Swing the right hand to the dantien and the left hand to the back. Land on the heel of the forward foot.

6. Move forward, right foot out, normal breathing out once. Swing the left hand to the dantien and the right hand to the back. (Repeat this 4-step cycle as many times as you feel comfortable.)

7. After this “sniff-sniff” out, in and out breathing cycle, repeat the march and breathing cycle again until you completed a good size circle – 6 or 9 repetitions.

8. Then stop, turn to the opposite direction anf continue but go in a reverse circle marching

9. While you are marching, picture yourself as a warrior, marching through the journey of your life. You have no fear! Every mistake or failure is just part of your learning process. Every obstacle is an opportunity for your achievement! You maintain a positive mental attitude no matter what the circumstances.

Swimming (Kicking sequence is N-S-E-W-E-W-S-N or Front-back-left-right-left-right-back-front)

Version 1

The exercise below is similar to swimming except for kicking the legs forward. You must now focus your mind on the movement. Don't worry about breathing as it will come naturally.

1. Move both the left hand, palms up, and the left foot forward, and the right arm to the back with the palm up. Move the arms in a swimming motion so that the left hand swings to the front and above the head with the palm facing up and the right arm swinging in a circular motion until it reaches straight forward at shoulder’s height. Kick the right leg forward to waist height and touch the right hand to the right toe or as far along the leg as possible.

2. Rotate the body 180 degrees clockwise to face backwards using the momentum of the swinging leg, rotate the arms in a swimming motion so that the right hand is used to protect the head and is positioned above the head with the palm facing up and the left arm reaches forward. Kick the left leg to waist height and touch the left hand to the left toe.

3. Rotate the body 90 degrees anti-clockwise to face left, and repeat the right leg kicking series.

4. Rotate the body 180 degrees clockwise to face right, and repeat the left leg kicking series.

5. Rotate the body 180 degrees anti-clockwise to face backward, and repeat the right leg kicking series.

6. Rotate the body 180 degrees clockwise to face forward, and repeat the left leg kicking series.

7. Rotate the body 90 degrees anti-clockwise to face left, and repeat the right leg kicking series.

8. Rotate the body 180 degrees clockwise to face right, and repeat the left leg kicking series.

Version 2

1. At the starting point, do “back swirls” with both arms while moving the left leg forward, the knees

slightly bent. At the end of the back swirls, the left hand is above the forehead, the palm is up as though

to protect the head while the right arm is outstretched horizontally and forward.

2. When the stance is steady, kick out the right leg (straight) until it touches the right hand.

3. Drop the kicking foot back, the hands back swirling while turning the body around to face the opposite direction

4. Repeat 1 a and b should this be 1 to 3??

5. In similar manner, kick in all 4 directions:

6. Front-back-left-right; then back-front-left-right

7. Then repeat again and again until you drop

NB take it easy if you have joint pain or knee pain, do according to and mindful of your own limitations.

Breathe out to make a burst of “foo” sound while kicking legs out and up

Can try kicking with pointed foot and toes or keeping the foot at 90 degrees to the leg: the latter stretches the bum muscles a bit more.


To end, put the feet back together in a 'V' shape with heels touch.

a. Breathe in, put the left palm on the dantien and the right palm on the back of left palm, focus the mind on dantien, bend at waist in a bowing motion.

b. Breathe out and release the hands so that they rest on side of the legs.

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